Do I Need to Print a UPS End of Day Form or PLD Report While Using AfterShip Shipping?
No, you don’t have to generate a UPS End of Day form or PLD report while using AfterShip Shipping. Generally, the End of Day form and electronic Package Level Detail (PLD) report are printed when UPS shipments get processed via WorldShip (the UPS shipping software). However, you can skip this by connecting your UPS account with AfterShip Shipping. Through our API, all the shipment information gets transferred automatically to UPS once labels are created. Here are a few FAQs for a bettSome readersPrint End of Day Forms
Overview AfterShip Shipping allows you to create End of Day forms to make the whole shipping process smooth and quick. An end of day manifest is a document that summarizes all the shipments (labels) that were processed during a specific period, usually by the end of a business day. It’s typically used for carrier to confirm which packages are ready for pickup, to track them, and to completeFew readers