Articles on: Manifests

Do I Need to Print a UPS End of Day Form or PLD Report While Using AfterShip Shipping?

No, you don’t have to generate a UPS End of Day form or PLD report while using AfterShip Shipping. Generally, the End of Day form and electronic Package Level Detail (PLD) report are printed when UPS shipments get processed via WorldShip (the UPS shipping software).

However, you can skip this by connecting your UPS account with AfterShip Shipping. Through our API, all the shipment information gets transferred automatically to UPS once labels are created.

Here are a few FAQs for a better understanding:

Why is the PLD report used?

A PLD report carries the shipping and packaging data of all the shipments that you have processed since your last End of Day process.

Why is the End of Day form required?

It lets the driver verify all the information before delivering the package.

How would I know the shipment data has been sent to UPS?

Your UPS labels will have a package/present icon on the bottom right side, once the shipment data is transferred to UPS.

What would I do if the driver requests for an End of Day form or UPS rep asks for a PLD report?

Just inform them that AfterShip Shipping is a certified UPS partner. Therefore, it sends all the required information directly to UPS by means of API.

In case you have any other query, discuss it with our chat support team now.

Updated on: 07/11/2024

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